Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello, and welcome.  I'm The Angry Greek.
I'm highly opinionated, and extremely volatile.  I rarely censor myself.
Sometimes, asking me a simple yes or no question will lead to an hour long rant about everything that's wrong with everything.  People who have experienced this in person have repeatedly told me that I should start a blog.  Apparently my rage about the world can be entertaining.
So here goes.......

This blog will be a place where I can express my frustration with all of humankind without putting my job at risk.  I chose "Modern Bushido" as the title because I believe that the most fundamental problem with modern society is a lack of honorable behavior by it's citizens.  In other words, I think most Americans, and in fact, most everybody, could use a little Bushido in their lives.

So what, exactly, is Bushido?

Bu·shi·do also bu·shi·do  (boosh-eed-oh)
The traditional code of the Japanese samurai, stressing honor, self-discipline, bravery, and simple living.

[Japanese bushido : bushi, warrior (from Middle Chinese wushi, knight, warrior : we, wu, military + shi, brave warrior) + do, way; see aikido.]

You could probably find a more precise definition, but that is the essence of what I'm talking about.
For further explanation, I'd recommend checking out a copy of The Hagakure, which I've quoted in a previous post.

So, this blog will be about the problems that exist in a society where no one holds themselves to any sort of consistent standard, and how applying those standards might improve the world we live in.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

“There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you will still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything.”
Yamamoto Tsunetomo, The Hagakure: A code to the way of samurai
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”
Miyamoto Musashi, Book of Five Rings